Thursday, February 07, 2008

News Overload

Wow, folks, what a day! SO much happened today my mind is in over-expansion mode, so let me unload for a minute. First off, pray for all the folks down South who were affected by the group of tornadoes that hit. I got family there and I'm praying already, but they sure wouldn't mind your prayers, too. I saw the pictures of Lafayette and Jackson, Tennessee, and they were heartbreaking.

Second, or actually 1A, Obama and Hillary are in a virtual tie in the race for delegates. If you thought this race was almost over, grab some popcorn and get a comfortable chair.

Third, the coroner released the results of the Heath Ledger autopsy and, as expected, they found that he died from an accidental overdose. The proof is there, now let him rest.

Fourth, Shaq passed the physical and the Suns now have a 20-million-a-year Diesel, cab-minus-the-trailer, in purple and orange. This was an expensive, dangerous deal for Phoenix and it won't put them over the top, on the court anyhow. Sorry Suns, but we had Shaq during his glory years. Sad as it will be to watch him Barney up and down the floor, I won't feel sorry for him or his new team. All parties signed off on this trade, yes Marion too, so they'll have to live with it. Speaking of The Matrix, if he was miserable on a high-powered team, I don't want to see him when he heads off the court after a tenth loss in ten games!

Fifth, though it could move to second in the coming months, McCain took command of the GOP race yesterday by gangster-slapping Romney in the primaries. At this point, Romney needs to freshen up that resume because he's not gettin' this job. Huckabee is sitting pretty since McCain will most likely draft him as his running mate. Yes my people, if that happens, the rich get dinner and we all get plenty of desert.

One last thing... GO OBAMA!! YES WE CAN!! Hi-Lo.

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