Sunday, September 25, 2005
Busy little bee
Hey ya'll. Thought you'd gotten rid of me, huh? I'm still kicking, just not as spry since I've been pulling sixteen hours a day between both jobs. That's not the reason I've been missing in action though. As many of you might know, I have a dinosaur of a computer and, on occasion, it has a problem or two with the hardware. It happened again and I didn't have ample time to address the issue 'til today. So I'm back and pissed as ever with the state of the world around me. Did you notice how quick Dubya raced to the scene when Rita was bearing down on his home turf? Didn't take five days to make a decision on that one did it? Wait 'til you see how fast the aid gets there. Won't be any massive red tape getting in the way now. When do we impeach this clown already? The government doesn't help it's own people because of what? Be it color or social class or laziness, this can't fly anymore! We need to bounce that ass out of office because we can't survive another three years of this Bushit. What do we do when the next big disaster hits? I don't know about ya'll but I don't want to tell one of these survivors that we can't help them because we're still making payments on our desert-front property in Iraq. Think about it. Hi-Lo.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
On my damn nerves
Hey ya'll. So, a couple of posts ago, I shared the fact that I'm going to work two jobs very soon. Well, if the clowns in control keep pushing my buttons, one of those jobs will be replaced. My longstanding gig is run by a few morons who think they can talk to people like they ain't got no damn brain. Yesterday, I got into it with the laziest person I've ever met. Apparently, a diet high in Krispy Kreme doughnuts makes you lose your senses, because this tub o'shit started talking to me like I was his sorry bitch. So what did I do? C'mon, ya'll, you know your boy had to check that ass. Why is it that some of the sorriest sombitches get ahead while the hard working, weight-of-the-world-carrying folks get jacked? In the case of the clown I'm talking about, I know he got them knees dirty to get where he is. Yep, he can't move if it ain't beer or doughnuts, but Humpty can sure suck-up with the best of 'em. I'll probably get a write-up for lettin' loose on that clown, but damnit I got my moneys worth. That's allright 'cause there's only so far you can go being a low-level scavenger. The real crime is that pet rock actually got Labor Day off! I keep it all in perspective, though. Many more people have it much worse than I. Besides, I take comfort in knowing that my future is unlimited and his is unchanging and without honor. I also know that his racist ass already has a ticket on the Helltanic and all the money he supposedly makes in this life won't save him in the next. He'll be sitting right next to Dubya and Condosellout. Hi-Lo.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Hey Dubya, what's that on your face?
First things first. Ha Haaaaa!! I got to give it up to Kanye for verbally pimp-slapping Dubya on almost nationwide TV (those of us out West got the edited version which I didn't get to see). That handprint will be there for a while. I couldn't have done it better myself. The only way it would've been better is if when they cut over to Chris Tucker, he screamed," Yeah!" So where's the aid, Dubya. All you got to say is you agree that the response has been bad? Would you like another so the other cheek matches? Folks, I could make a career out of busting that grill like EV-ERY-DAY, but it won't make a bit of difference on my end. Now, if we all do it, you got something to work with. The mainstream media has already acknowledged us bloggers for digging in that ass this past week so keep it up ya'll. The more noise we make, the more aid they send down south and I'll holla from the rooftops if it does the victims any good. I gotta say what's up to Waset at The Power Journal for being the first blog I read to have the Kanye surprise on it. Much respect to all my fellow bloggers for keeping up the pressure on those in a position to send help. Keep doing what you're doing. And to my brothers and sisters in the Military, I'm not on the bash the Armed Forces bandwagon because I know ya'll don't go unless you're ordered to go. Same with FEMA and the other Federal agencies. The people up top need to make the call if the help is going to come and that's real! Hi-Lo
Friday, September 02, 2005
New millenium, same old game
Hey everyone. If ya'll are like me, the central thing on your minds is the Katrina aftermath. My mind is scattering all over the place all day long thinking/hoping/praying for the folks down south. One thing I do have to get off my chest right now. I was reading The Power Journal blog and Waset brought up a very valid point; why is it that media choppers can fly overhead and zoom in on the panties at a celebrity wedding and they can't do anything for the refugees? You mean we can film the tragedy but we can't save those affected by it? The world has hit rock bottom when the color of people's skin and money determines the level of response in a disaster. Like the people in Mississippi said, they don't want the President to come there, they want the FEMA trucks to come there. Hot air don't do a damn thing to save anyone, but food and water sure does. And, by the way, have you noticed how they keep talking about the lawlessness in New Orleans and nowhere else? My wife knows folks around the area and they made it clear; it's not anarchy!! The media is trying to scare rescuers into not going there and letting the people suffer. Why? So they can plummet into armageddon and do themselves in. Have you also noticed how they've said the French Quarter is a loss just like everywhere else, but have you seen it on TV? No, because it's not lost and the white folks there are still on Bourbon Street partying like it's 1999! In fact, I read a Miami Herald article that said they were back at it the day after the hurricane. Oh, don't get me wrong, they took a hit, but the locals said it was nothing compared to Mardi Gras. Like my Mom always said," If the milk stinks, it's bad." Same old story. Hi-Lo
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Exploring blogs
I'm back for more. I've been blog-hopping for a little bit and it appears the message is clear; people are pretty ticked off about the aftermath of Katrina, everything from the governmental response (or lack of it) to the subhumans on the prowl in New Orleans. We've seen amazing feats of heroism and unimagineable new lows of human nature. Listen, now is not the time to get that new TV at a 100% discount, clowns! Or take some new pants off the rack of someone's once prosperous store. Don't any of these idiots know the consequences awaiting them in the afterlife? Just because Officer Jones isn't there to catch you doing wrong doesn't mean that God's blind. Ya'll are headed to the hot place, on a rocket ship, wearing unleaded draws, standing on a lit match! Also, I'd like to acknowledge that thirteen year old M-A-N that saved his family from their flooded house. Not many grown folks could've done that. Much, Much Love young brother! For now, I'm saying prayers for the victims of Katrina, wishing I was in Dubya's place so I could make their pain go away. Peace. Hi-Lo
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