Sunday, September 25, 2005

Busy little bee

Hey ya'll. Thought you'd gotten rid of me, huh? I'm still kicking, just not as spry since I've been pulling sixteen hours a day between both jobs. That's not the reason I've been missing in action though. As many of you might know, I have a dinosaur of a computer and, on occasion, it has a problem or two with the hardware. It happened again and I didn't have ample time to address the issue 'til today. So I'm back and pissed as ever with the state of the world around me. Did you notice how quick Dubya raced to the scene when Rita was bearing down on his home turf? Didn't take five days to make a decision on that one did it? Wait 'til you see how fast the aid gets there. Won't be any massive red tape getting in the way now. When do we impeach this clown already? The government doesn't help it's own people because of what? Be it color or social class or laziness, this can't fly anymore! We need to bounce that ass out of office because we can't survive another three years of this Bushit. What do we do when the next big disaster hits? I don't know about ya'll but I don't want to tell one of these survivors that we can't help them because we're still making payments on our desert-front property in Iraq. Think about it. Hi-Lo.

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