Sunday, February 05, 2006

A few days, but the anger's still here

Well, let's try this again. I tried to post yesterday, but there were modifications being done during my usual creative time, so I lost the post I had saved. I guess the powers that be didn't like the words I wrote. Luckily, I remember what I was ranting about well enough. I wasn't too happy with the news that our Plunderer-In-Chief asked for more money to fund the BS overseas. I don't personally want to see my hard-earned money going into the trust fund for GW the 25th! Screwing the people seems to be the agenda of this Administration and there's too many bumpkins in this country to band together and boot their asses out of D.C.. I'm real tired of the gross underreporting of our military dead being splattered all over the air. Apparently, Dubya is misplacing the decimals and no one in power is checking the math! How 'bout multiplying by ten there and adding a few hundred; pretend your adding up the rubles you're hauling in at the pumps ( I guarantee the numbers will come out right then). He actually had the nerve to act like he wants us to stop buying from his gas station? How dumb does he think we are? He's never gonna give up that free money. Well, it isn't free, but it didn't cost him anything. Can we get rid of this idiot already?!

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