Saturday, May 27, 2006

Poof! Deficit gone!

Hey ya'll. So have you heard what Gubna Screwzafella is shoveling now? Apparently, our mighty California deficit has disappeared and we now have a five billion dollar surplus. Wow, just in time for the upcoming elections! Where did this miraculous surplus come from and how did it remain undiscovered until now? I think this guy's got the wrong idea about running a mud-slinging campaign; you see, Gubna, you're supposed to shovel shit at opposing candidates not the voters and your bowel movements don't pay down the deficit. If you say it, they'll believe... I don't think so. I can't wait to hear the other fairy tales Screwzafella's got for us in the coming months. Maybe he'll tell us all the illegal aliens parted the border fences and went back to Mexico yesterday. Yep, all those landscapers, cooks and housekeepers you see aren't Mexicans, they're dark-skinned white folks who've reclaimed the jobs the illegals were stealing from them all these years. You know, I really hate that term "illegal aliens" because it makes the people sound as if they come from another planet and they're criminals. They better hope the Mexicans and Salvadorians don't listen because the state would starve without food, the houses and businesses would collapse under the dirt, the cars would fall apart, the lawns would die and the parents would have to take care of their own kids! Let's be real folks, we still have a deficit of ten bajillion dollars and the immigrants aren't going anywhere because rich folks aren't going to pay a decent wage for work they feel is menial. If you want to get rid of all the problems with California you don't need to get rid of a few million immigrants, you just need to get rid of ONE! Hi-Lo.

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