Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Been away

What's up out there? It's been a little bit since I last posted because my wireless keyboard checked out, but I'm back to ramble on. Any other Laker fans out there? I saw who they drafted and I can't say I'm excited or let down. I've never heard of Andrew Bynum, but I have seen Turriaf in action and he's a load inside. Funny thing, the other day I was thinking what would happen if they drafted Turriaf. It makes me wonder who's gonna be on the floor most of the time at the 4 and 5 next season. Turriaf can help us now, but I'm not sure about Bynum since I've only seen the five second clip of him in action yesterday. Well, the media did a six month update and found that the ten billion in aid to the Tsunami victims is, of course, being handed out a few grains at a time. Big surprise! It's a pretty sad world we live in when people need help, have ample funds and get shafted. That's why I suggest you visit It's not about money, it's about letting the world know we're not going to stand by and watch the impoverished people of the world suffer when we can do something. Well I gotta get ready for broke, I mean work. Stay up and don't believe all the fake news in plain sight. Look deeper, expand the mind. Hi-Lo.

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