Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Random ramblings

Hello again. I just had a few things rattling around the old noggin. I've been keeping up with the news of late and there's just a couple of things I have to say. One, for all the youngstas, not-so-fast and furious, wannabee street racers, O.G. street racers, soccer moms, cell phone drivers and anyone else out there, PLEASE DRIVE CAREFULLY. There's been a rash of young folks causing fatal accidents around my neck of the woods and it's not just the young who are suffering. You can't put in fifty cents and start over when you make a mistake in the really-real world so take a second before you roll the dice. Second, I read that all of the billions of dollars sent in to help the Tsunami victims is being mismanaged and only a select few have seen any money or aid, none of it sufficient. Obviously, the mainstream media has better things to do so this isn't front page or top story news. Speaking of which, my wife just called and there was a 7.0 earthquake off the coast of CA. We were issued a tsunami warning and they just called it off. Whew! As I was saying, don't let them get away with making billions of dollars meant for those in need disappear. Keep this issue alive in the blogosphere. Hi-Lo

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