Thursday, September 01, 2005

Exploring blogs

I'm back for more. I've been blog-hopping for a little bit and it appears the message is clear; people are pretty ticked off about the aftermath of Katrina, everything from the governmental response (or lack of it) to the subhumans on the prowl in New Orleans. We've seen amazing feats of heroism and unimagineable new lows of human nature. Listen, now is not the time to get that new TV at a 100% discount, clowns! Or take some new pants off the rack of someone's once prosperous store. Don't any of these idiots know the consequences awaiting them in the afterlife? Just because Officer Jones isn't there to catch you doing wrong doesn't mean that God's blind. Ya'll are headed to the hot place, on a rocket ship, wearing unleaded draws, standing on a lit match! Also, I'd like to acknowledge that thirteen year old M-A-N that saved his family from their flooded house. Not many grown folks could've done that. Much, Much Love young brother! For now, I'm saying prayers for the victims of Katrina, wishing I was in Dubya's place so I could make their pain go away. Peace. Hi-Lo

1 comment:

Waset - writer.truthseeker.part-time security guard said...

What you say...? I feel like one of the Raylettes while Ray Charles (you) sings. You loving my blog? I'm loving your blog.

For real!