Saturday, January 21, 2006

Cool writing sites.

Hello all. I said I'd be back to let y'all know about those cool websites I looked at yesterday and here I am. If you're already a writer and surf the Web regularly, you probably know about these sites. Although there are a million sites about writing, I'd say these are some of the most helpful that I've seen to date. They also link up to other helpful sites so there's no need to tell you about the other dozen sites I feel should have your attention. They are and and they are freakin' great. Remember, I wouldn't waste my time tellin' you about them if I didn't try them and if they weren't good. Any question you have about writing could most likely be answered by these sites and, if they can't, they link up to other sites that can. Well, it's back to the wonderful world of wage slave for now. Peace. Hi-Lo.

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